George Brooker House
Tel: 020 8984 8983

Experience You Can Trust

Celebrating over 30 years in quality care

Experience You Can Trust

Celebrating over 30 years in quality care

Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the answer below to a particular question, please contact us here and a member of the house team will willingly assist you. Simply click on the question to see the answer.

How do I organise a viewing of the home?
Prospective residents and their families are always welcome. However, we kindly request that you make an appointment, to ensure that a member of staff is available to conduct a tour. Please telephone: 020 8984 8983 to make an appointment or contact us here.

What do your fees include?
It is fully inclusive of accommodation and 24-hour care and support from the dedicated team. Three meals per day with choice of menu, cleaning, laundry services, gardening and all service bills (gas, electricity, water and council tax) are included.

What services are not included?
The residents personally fund the following services: hairdressing, private dentistry, chiropody, optician services and privately installed telephone line charges.

Are the staff professionally trained?
We invest in a variety of professional training courses to ensure the highest level of quality care for our residents. All of our carers hold NVQ Aged Care qualifications. Staff also receive specialist training in a range of other relevant and age related topics. The Dementia Care Team attend an intensive training course accredited by the Alzheimer’s Society. The course gives guidance in detecting dementia and provides training on how to deliver appropriate care.

Who regulates the home?
The Care Quality Commission, who enforces exacting standards in aged care, regulate the home. They previously recognised the house as a 3 Star Home of Excellence, their highest possible rating at the time. They since revised their national award structure, and you can find our latest report on our website.

Do you carry out regular health and safety checks?
Health and Safety is of paramount importance to us. Staff receive regular training in all aspects of health and safety; e.g., fire procedures and risk assessments.  Our appointed health and safety officers receive specialist ongoing training.  Fire safety checks are carried out on a weekly basis to test the efficiency of the smoke alarm system and fire doors.  We also carry out regular fire drills with all members of staff.

Do residents keep their independence?
We want our residents to call our home, their home. 24-hour support is always at hand but independence is respected. Although routines such as times of meals are stated, there is flexibility in how residents wish to spend their day. They are free to choose where they spend their time. The daily care programme is organised according to each resident’s personal needs. 

Is there a choice of bedrooms?
George Brooker House has 45 single bedrooms, 21 of which are en-suite with toilet and washroom.  Bedrooms that are not en-suite still have built in washstands. All bedrooms are equipped with divan beds, wardrobe, reading lamp and television and telephone points.  Residents are encouraged to bring in small pieces of personal furniture and items of particular significance to them. 

Are there any restrictions to when guests may visit the home?
No, relatives and friends are always welcome. We also encourage day trips and outings away from the home with loved ones.

What religious denominations do you support?
We welcome ministers/representatives of any religious denomination to remain in regular contact with residents to provide support for their spiritual needs. If residents wish to attend church or any other religious centre and need an escort, staff will willingly accompany them.

How are relatives supported?
Our team likes to work closely with the friends and relatives of our residents. We are always ready to listen and to receive feedback and suggestions. A Relatives Group also meets regularly and has become an important part of the running of the house.  The management team finds their suggestions invaluable in ensuring that we continue to improve the services we are providing. The group produces a regular newsletter; subscribe to our Friends of George Brooker House Newsletter here.

Is there any financial assistance available to help with the fees?
Financial support is available from the Social Services Department. However, eligibility depends on the level of care required, income, savings and personal circumstances. The local authority carries out a financial assessment, or means test, to work out how much of the fee it will pay for and how much must be self-funded. Even if there is no entitlement to financial support to pay care home fees, there may be an entitlement to certain benefits that are not means-tested:

  • Attendance allowance This is paid to over-65s, including self-funded care-home residents, who need help with personal care, such as washing or dressing. However, it is not normally paid if the local authority is paying for the care home.

  • Disability living allowance You may claim the care component of this depending on the level of help you need. You may also receive the mobility component, if you were claiming this before entering the care home.

The Citizens Advice Bureau may be able to give help and advice on benefit entitlements and general financing.

Are residents still able to receive their State Pension?
Moving into the care home does not affect eligibility to State Pension for those who are self-funding, but it is counted as income when Social Services are carrying out a financial assessment to work out how much they will pay towards care home fees.

Are there any room vacancies?
We currently have 2 vacant rooms. For all enquires please contact us here.