Sunny Days

Our Beautiful Garden
What beautiful weather we have been having lately! The sun has been shining and the weather has been warm. This has been the perfect opportunity for the residents to come into their garden and spend time at their own leisure.
Watering the Garden
We have had residents watering the flowers and plants. Giving them the opportunity to enjoy past hobbies and giving them a sense of purpose and fulfilment.
Weeding & Plant Care
Residents have enjoyed sorting out the plant pots and giving them a bit of TLC, as you can see this plant was a tiny bit dry!
Fun & Laughter
Residents & staff have been keeping their spirits up with music and dancing. We have become fond of singing loudly from the windows, as if we were Celine Dion! We have our very own Dancing Queen Beryl, enjoying some Abba.
Some residents just wanted to come into the garden, soak up some rays and read a good book. The garden is spacious enough for residents to do whatever they choose to do.
Jess & Bailey
Not forgetting our furry friends. They have been visiting the home, providing company and stimulation for our residents. Here, we have a little paddling pool being filled up for them to get their little paws wet and to cool them down.
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